Sunday, December 13, 2015

Bible Illustrations

Not infrequently, I'll be out for a casual stroll only to be accosted by some crazed fan or other who'll grab me by the leg and shout, "Stop whatever it is you are doing right now and draw me a drawing for free!"  This has gotten to be rather annoying, so I've decided to use this week's blog post to let all of you all know the proper way to go about acquiring free Nate Creekmore Artworks.

It's very simple, actually.  All you have to do is have a firstborn son and then name that son after me.

"But Nate!" some of you are saying, "That's so easy!  All I have to do is name my firstborn son after you!?"  Yup.  That's all you have to do.  If you name your firstborn son after me, I'll personally purchase a Bible and fill the first few blank pages with illustrated scenes of stories found within.

I might put in an image of Abimelech being killed by a woman with a millstone, or maybe an image of bears mauling a group of young people.  Maybe you'd like something more classical, like David killing Goliath.  How about an image of the apostle Paul blinding a Jewish sorcerer...?

The plague of frogs, anyone..?

And, of course, Nathanael himself seated under a fig tree...

So there you have it, the surest way to come into the possession of Nate Creekmore Artworks.
