Monday, February 8, 2016

Creeking More In The ATL (with your host Nate Creekmore) Episode #63

I'm not from Atlanta, but I live here, and (because I live here) people who don't live here ask me, "Creek, what's Atlanta really like?"  I don't know what Atlanta is really like, but if you'd like to know what it's like for me, I invite you to sit back and enjoy another episode of "CREEKING MORE IN THE ATL (with your host Nate Creekmore)"!!!

[breaking up is hard to do]

In the city of Atlanta... I found someone else...

...and I'm probably a jerk because I was actively looking for someone new.  I mean, it didn't just happen, I did it on purpose.

The relationship had been on the rocks for a long time.  It was bound to fall apart sooner or later...

I can't say that I don't feel a little bit bad about it, but these things are always difficult.  Anyway, it's all for the best.  Onward and upward, as they say.

There you have it foks, another exciting episode of "Creeking More In The ATL (with your host Nate Creekmore)"!  Be sure and come back for the next installment wherein I give my bicycle a sideways glance.