Sunday, April 30, 2017

Armor, Edomites, Things Above, and Fleeing Lions

When a new Bible finds its way into my possession, I inevitably find myself turning to the blank pages in the front and/or back to sketch out an appropriate illustration or two.  Usually I just use an ink pen and then add a quick wash, but sometimes, when the mood is right, I go ahead and add some watercolor.  Wanna see a few illustrations..?

Here's a fancier one I did in a Bible my folks gave me for Christmas:

I try to stick with the obscure passages, but sometimes you gotta go main stream.  His armor is somewhere between Israel and Rome.

Here's one I did in one of those pocket-sized Bibles you can tuck away in a glove box.  It's from Obadiah.

A proud Edomite moments before he meets his demise.

Here's one from Colossians:

It's good to look up every once in a while.

This one is on the first blank page of a pocket-size Bible:

And this one is the blank page in the back:

The back page was glossy and it probably wasn't a good idea to use watercolor on it, but I did it and there's no taking it back now.

I have more of these.  Eventually I'll get around to doing something from each book in the Bible.  If you have any illustration ideas, feel free to leave them in the lonely comments section below.  There's plenty of room.


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