Sunday, March 5, 2017

My Website Is Back!!!!! Hooray!!!

That's right, Creek fans, my website is back up and running!!!  Come!!  Have a look!!!

Now you can pop on over to anytime you want to scroll through some of the most unforgettable works in the Nate Creekmore canon!!

Go to the DRAWINGS page and have a look at this sketch of the Cowboy Bebop crew!!!

Spike Spiegel and Them  ink and watercolor on typing paper, 2015

Or you can head over to the WORKS page and click on this guy (it got nearly A HALF DOZEN hearts when I put it up on Instagram!!!)!!!

St. George And The Dragon  ink and watercolor and gouache on canvas, 2015

Check out the MAINTAINING page and see some samples of my wildly successful coming-of-age comic strip!!!

Ha!  Look at Anton and Marcus with their outdated clothing!!  Follow the link to the gocomics page and read the strip day by day (it's on a constant loop, like an old syndicated sitcom that still runs on TBS)!!

After you've done that, go to the SALE AND LINKS page and buy a bunch of my books!!!  There are currently 5 different volumes of "Creeking More In The ATL (with your host Nate Creekmore)" available for sale!!  Hurry and collect them all before they're completely sold out!!

Or.... you can click on the SACRED CHICKENS link!!!!  There's nothing there right now, but pretty soon I'll begin posting episodes of MY VERY OWN ORIGINAL WEBCOMIC!!!!!!!  THAT'S RIGHT FOLKS, NATE CREEKMORE IS BACK IN THE CARTOONING GAME!!!

All of the top comic book companies were begging me to sign with them and give them the privilege of publishing my groundbreaking comic about the First Punic War, but I said, "Nay, Marvel!  Nay, DC!  This work shall be free evermore!!!  It shall not cost any man a dime!!  It shall be seen by all (12 or 13) of the people who visit my site each week!!!"

That's right, folks!  The Sacred Chickens of Rome will be a free weekly webcomic!!  It's not about money or fame or money!!  It's about the people!!  It's about sharing!!!  It's about the love of cartooning!!!  And, most importantly, it's about exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's roughly how the SACRED CHICKENS page will look when it's up and running:

Pretty slick, no?

When you click the PROLOGUE link...

You'll be taken through the backstory!  Who are these Sacred Chickens?  Why are Rome and Carthage at war?

When you click the CHARACTERS link...

You'll be taken to a page that lists and shows all of the major characters!

You'll be able to click on the comic to make it bigger (so that you can see all of the painstaking details in the hand-drawn, hand-colored illustrations)!

Down at the bottom of the page, you'll be able to click through the archives!

And don't worry, folks!  This won't be one of those webcomics that just keeps going with no end in sight and it won't be one of those ones that goes off on a long unannounced hiatus!  This is a STORY!  Beginning!  Middle!  End!  Denouement!  It has action!  It has romance!  It has Kung Fu!  It has everything you could ever want in a story about ancient chickens!  This thing is so good, my mom might even stop in to read it!  Be excited folks!  Be excited!!!!

(this is an actual panel from an upcoming episode!)

 Hopefully we'll have these chickens flying into your laptops (and phones and whatever other kinds of whatchamagizmos you kids carry around) within the next couple of months!!!  I'll keep you posted...!

Oh, and many thanks to Dan Blimline, the mad genius who put my website back on its feet!


[ doesn't really have any Kung Fu in it.  That's just a made up lie to try to get more people to check it out.  I mean, it has plenty of fighting, but none of it is Kung Fu.  Sorry.  I got carried away in the midst of all of those exclamation points]

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