Monday, June 23, 2014

Today I Had A Very Important Thought And I'm Going To Share It With All Of You All

(a thought about being old)

You don't become aware of the fact that you are old all at once.  It hits you gradually, one moment at a time.

Like maybe you're sitting in a movie theater and you see a trailer for a movie starring a jiggling Kate Upton.  Whereas you'd have once been titillated, now your first thought is, "My God!  That girl is a child!  Where is her father?!!"

Or maybe you're stopped at a red light and the car next to you is blasting bass-only hip hop music with lyrics comprised of language so vulgar and obscene that you're embarrassed for the driver.  And anyone around with a working set of ears.

Maybe you look at the way kids dress and you can only conclude that their styles are meant to mimic the styles of circus clowns.

Or perhaps you're listening to the oldies radio station and you hear a song that came out in the 90's.

When it comes down to it, I'm glad I was young when I was young.  Youth of the now, you have my sympathy.

[also, stay off my lawn, etc...]


  1. I feel you creek, feeling old now...

    1. The hardest part is figuring out what you're supposed to wear.

  2. Laughing out loud at another Creekification. Notice I am not "LOL" thank you very much

  3. It's sad to think that the "Take a Selfie" song may one day be on an oldies station. I actually though Dr. Demento had a daytime radio show the day I heard that...

    1. Dr. Deeeeeemento! Ha! I used to listen to that show back when I was a kid living in Stuttgart. The Armed Forces radio station used to play it late on Sunday nights.
