Monday, January 20, 2014

The Book of Job

Gather 'round, boys and girls!  It's time for another edition of Black and White Illustrations of Scenes From Some of My Favorite Books and Stories!

At various times I have referred to different book as My Most Favorite Book.  There's Invisible Man... Moby Dick... Grendel... Hop On Pop...  But, when it comes down to it, my absolute Most Favorite Book is Job.

Technically, Job is a book within a book (The Bible; sandwiched between Esther and Psalms) but, for me, it is the smaller book that helps me make sense of the larger book.  

If I had to pick a favorite verse, I'd go with verse 4 of chapter 38.  But if I had to choose a verse around which to build an illustration, I'd go with the part in chapter 39 (verses 13 thru 18) that describes an ostrich.

The ostrich is not particularly bright, but it is fast... fast that it can laugh at a horse and its rider.

I wasn't satisfied with this first illustration, so I gave it another go and headed in a more bookish direction:

Now the ostrich is running across the page...

...leaving the horse in wake of her dust.

I prefer the second illustration.

It's a good book.  Read it when you find the time and let me know what you think.

Happy MLK Day.


  1. Dude......dude. I just spent an hour on your blog. You've got so much good stuff here. Technically, your illustrations are quite dope. As well as thoughtful and poignant. I'm a new fan. Like, dang.

    1. I have no idea how you found my blog, but I'm glad you did! Thanks for the kind words!
