Monday, December 22, 2014

String(er) Theory

So, I have this friend named Stringer.  You've seen that tv show The Wire, right?  Well, Idris Elba's character on the show, Stringer Bell, was largely based on my friend Stringer.  This is him:

Sometimes he just starts going off in New World Spanish...

I think he's at least partially Mexican, but I've always been too intimidated to just come right out and ask.

Anyway, Stringer is only about a year or two older than me, but he's way better at life.  He's got a lovely wife who cooks, a couple of brilliant bi-lingual children, owns a television, works as an architect, and is a member of the landed gentry.  Every now and again I go over to Stringer's place and we watch telenovellas or Hawks games or Ken Burns documentaries.  But mostly I go over for the conversation.  Because it's in conversation that you get to hear his theories, String's Theories...

You can use Stringer Theories to change your perspective or contemplate things you wouldn't have otherwise contemplated.  Me?  I'm going to steal all of his ideas, compile them into a book, sell that book, and then use the money to buy a family of my own.

...and maybe also buy a jet pack...


1 comment:

  1. Jet pack eh? now I know what to get you for Christmas. oh wait I'm broke, maybe next year? Quieres una torta? :)
